Table of Contents
- 1. What is a Full Stack Developer Roadmap?
- 2. Core Concepts
- 3. Front-End Development
- 4. Back-End Development
- 5. DevOps and Deployment
- 6. Additional Skills
- 7. Soft Skills
1. What is a Full Stack Developer Roadmap?
Full Stack Developer Roadmap is an exhaustive guide that is crafted to assist developers-to-be in understanding the skills they need to be capable in front-end and back-end web development. This is the road map where you will start with the technologies and you will go through the languages and the tools, but before all you have to build the web application entirely.
Road to Back-End development Your journey should start by creating the front-end program with three ingredients i.e. HTML, CSS, and Javascript. These fundamental technologies use to develop the user interface of the websites React, Angular, or Vue or similar frameworks and libraries. It can include js for some components to make applications more dynamic and responsive.
Also, Full Stack Developer Roadmap focus on source control tools like Git, deployment practices using Docker & AWS, or Heroku and security, testing, debugging best practice. Basically, the Full Stack Developer Roadmap serves as a plan for learning, which would help you achieve a wide range of skills that are necessary to develop and maintain full-fledged web applications.
2. Core Concepts
Understanding the basic concepts of web development is essential for anyone who wants to create and maintain websites. These core concepts form the foundation upon which all web development skills are built.
programming language
1. HTML Developer
A person who creates websites makes someone an HTML developer, is that clear? HTML is the basic stuff of the Web: the underlying scaffolding of everything we see on the Web. An HTML Developer designs web pages by writing code that describes the text, images, links, etc. They make certain websites are:– Attractive– User-friendly– Viewable on all platforms. Commonly an HTML faces work beside double web advances brain CSS and JavaScript for make it HD optical appearance with a powerful way. They play an important role in usability and aesthetics on the web.
2. CSS Developer
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Developer- A developer working as a CSS developer in the past. It like that as we are using the css for html,no this is the css of html which is call to css i.e cascading style sheet. Frontend (CSS): CSS developers develop a pleasant look and feel of websites. Design: they write CSS codes [color fontspace layout) to better decorate the web pages, and enhance user experience. So the CSS developers are always hand in handy with the HTML (and sometimes javascript) Developers to implement their kick-ass web designs into a full working and responsive web page.
3. JavaScript Developer
A JavaScript Developer: This person focuses on working with JavaScript — a programming language for the web. JavaScript to make website interactive and dynamic. JavaScript — Write JavaScript code to implement pop-up messages, interactive forms, animations and other features. They partner with HTML and CSS to create webpages attractive and functional. They enable web pages to respond to user actions like clicks & scrolls by JavaScript developers. Which are very vital for an active and user-friendly web experience. Modern and responsive websites are often built by JavaScript developers with the help of designers or other developers.
4. TypeScript Developer
TypeScript developer is a type of a developer whose focus is on using TypeScript, the extension of JavaScript. TypeScript provides additional features such as static typing and class-based object-oriented programming in JavaScript, which help to keep better modularity and maintainability in big projects. It is used by TypeScript developers, who write TypeScript code, to create reliable and extensiveweb applications. They leverage TypeScript features to catch errors as early in the development as they can, and to make code more readable. JavaScript, HTML and CSS are primarily worked with to produce modern web applications which are written in an efficient, maintainable and modern way by TypeScript developers. They have many advantages for ensuring better reliability and scalability of web projects.
Version controlled
5. Git expert
Git expert: : a git expert is a person who is adept in working with git which is a very popular version control system used in software development. Git enables developers to follow up on changes they have made to their code, work together with other developers and handle different versions of their projects. A Git Specialist assists the teams to use Git by having proper repositories in place, managing branches, solving conflicts and helping where collaboration between team members in the smoothest possible.form. They are experienced with Git commands and workflows to streamline workflow developments Git professionals significantly add to the efficiency and order of the frequently repetitively based process in software development initiatives.
6. Source code management (SCM) experts
A source code management (SCM) specialist is someone who specializes in managing the source code of software projects. SCM includes tracking code changes, coordinating work among team members, and ensuring the integrity and availability of project files. An SCM specialist sets up and maintains SCM systems such as Git, Subversion or Mercurial to facilitate collaboration and version control. They help teams implement best practices for code management, such as branching strategies and code review processes. SCM experts play an important role in ensuring smooth and efficient development of software projects.
3. Front-End Development
The visual and interactive part of a website or an app that your users are interfacing with is what we refer to as front-end development. These developers use languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript to construct such components. And then they care about UI Design to design responsive experiences that they believe in. Frontend development has been about transforming design mocks into code, animating UI elements, transitioning and finally consuming the APIs and fetching data from backend to render it on screens. Front-end developers help make the web a highly interactive place where users can excel at their goals more effectively and efficiently.
Basic skills
1.HTML/CSS Developer
An HTML/CSS developer is professional who is expert in creating visual and structural parts of web pages. HTML puts the content of web page with CSS adds style and format. In this course, you'll explore how HTML/CSS developers pair to both help design and design a website (not the same thing by the way). They take care of things like the proper formatting of a web page, the intended layout of web pages, behaviors of web pages and how they should appear on devices and browsers. HTML/CSS developers have the responsibility of making sure websites remain accessible and attractive to users.
2. JavaScript Developer
Javascript developer — Basically, anyone who knows how to write in Javascript; a web programming language also known as Node. They write interactivity into the code-Web and web app functionsFeature — an approach by which a given website or app (such as a sign-in), or even class of interactions (like drag and drop)Design JavaScript developers work closely with both HTML and CSS to connect dynamic functionality with a compelling user experience using animations, form validation, and interactive menus. They aid the website in responding to the user commands. Having JavaScript developers is essential to build responsive user-friendly web pages that improve the internet end user experience by turning regular web pages into dynamic and interactive pages.
3. Responsive Design Expert
A Responsive Design Specialist is a professional dedicated to designing websites that adjust and function correctly in devices with several screen sizes. Techniques such as responsive design, using CSS and in particular media queries to adjust the site layout and design using elements such as flexible layouts, fluid grids may be the best kind of devices with the different types such as desktop, laptop, tablet and phone. Experts of responsive design put user experience at the top and then they optimization of content of navigation elements for every screen size. They are instrumental in making websites across various devices accessible and user-friendly so that users receive a smooth experience.
Frameworks and Libraries
1. React Developer
React developers are professionals which are skilled in establishing user-friendly user interfaces using React the Javascript library. Creating reusable React components for building real-time, interactive web applications. React developers spend a lot of time writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which then turns into beautiful material that gives life to the UI. The entire job surrounds around how they can optimize your code and scale it to make even better, faster, and more responsive web applications. What do Redux developers do to deliver a great modern dynamic web user-experience?
2. Angular Developer
An angular developer is someone who can use Angular, a JavaScript framework to create web apps. Writing components and modules in Angular, they design and implement dynamic and scalable applications. Angular : Well, this is a very popular front end library that developed and maintained by Google as in angular developers need to get their hands dirty with HTML, CSS as well TypeScript to create productive and reactive interfaces. They work to create clean, fast, and scalable code to make web applications work better. Among them, Angular developers have a big role in directorizing the right web choices for the users to make it easy and modern in using.
3.Vue.js developer
A Vue. Vue Handlequalification JS developerJS is a javascript (JS) library for building user interfaces. Creating parts and introducing them in Vue Vue Js is a lightweight and powerful, which is basically used for building dynamic and interactive web apps Js developers add interactivity in user interface directly using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. They also master the writing of productive codes with scalable life cycles enhancing the performance and response time of web applications. Vue. Typescript Js developers develop it to build the modern web experience for the user.
4.Svelte developer
Svelte Developer: A Svelte developer is familiar with a modern JavaScript framework for building web applications, Svelte. Svelte for writing components which is used to create dynamic and efficient user interfaces. A Svelte Developer is responsible for working with HTML, CSS and Mobile JavaScript to create web interactive web applications. Their ability is limited to improve performance and reduce bundle size, mostly to make web pages load quicker. Svelte Developers are essential in the creation of smooth and fast apps for online visitors.
State management
1. Redux developer
A Redux developer is good at understanding and working in Redux which is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications They enjoy getting to the 'spicy' designs of our applications and work with actions, reducers and middleware to make an application cool. React, Angular, or Vue developers that use Redux. Fugu uses Cyclic-js for project and for Redux they use Cyclic-redux. They try to keep this internal stored state (and host UI based response) with a single source of truth for application state and thus making it easier to reason about our application code and as a result manage and debug complex applications easily. So Redux developers play an essential role in ensuring the development of scalable and maintainable web applications.
2. MobX Developer
A MobX developer — knows how to work with MobX, a powerful, simple and scalable state management library for JavaScript applications. It creates a data structure that can be observed in MobX and it is used to manage the application state. MobX!= React/Angular/Vue js to Implement MobX in MobX Documents It is designed to make state management simple and predictable. MobX team really do make more maintainable and performant web applications.
3. Context API expert
Subject SubjectExpertise ContextAPI Context API Specialists in this Skill ContextAPI include (but may not be limited to) the ability to use the Context API, a feature of React for global state management. By this way, they generate and maintain contexts for propagating data all the way down from the component tree without putting data for the deeper levels through the props manually. Experts of the Context API can collaborate extensively with React, which results in state management best practices, less chaotic organization, and props drilling again. They are responsible for state management and make it easier to work with state in React applications.
1. Front-end testing specialist
Visit original article: Front-End Testing Specialist — W3Grads To check that front-end components are working correctly, they employ Zest, Cypress or Selenium with several test framworks. It meant that front-end testing experts would write test cases to test various user interactions, data rendering, and the fact that the application behaves as intended or not. They are responsible for standards in front-end code quality and reliability.
2. Unit Testing: Jest Developer, Mocha Developer
With Jest or Mocha, you write tests and execute them to assert that the individual units of code are working correctly. Jest developers have a unique specialization in Dan Abramovs vision of the react JavaScript testing framework, Jest — for creating and running tests quickly and effortlessly. Like for example, developers at Mocha put their focus on testing the JavaScript applications with the help of Mocha framework. These frameworks share the set of tools you use to write and organize yoru tests, all but necessary to guaranty the quality and reliability of your software.
3. End-to-end testing: Cypress developer, Selenium developer
Cypress or Selenium end-to-end tests run a complete application for a working functionality. What do Cypress developers do: Cypress developers write end-to-end tests using a modern JavaScript testing framework which is Cypress. Just like, Selenium developers making sure their web application runs smoothly on different browsers and platform using the Selenium framework. Both frameworks help to guarantee the procedures of applications in an authentic world condition which eventually enhances the quality and dependability.
3. Back-end development
Back-end development is the practice of programming the server-side of web applications. For Back-end they also handle data processing, authentication and server-side logic as part of databases, servers and APIs. It is written in Python, Java or Node. js to construct sturdy and scalable back-end applications. Created in the back-end so that the web application works properly, securely, and is able to serve the best performance to the users who interact through the front-end interface.
Basic skills
1.Server-side language developer
Server-Side Language Developer: This kind of web developer specializes in using programming languages like Python, Java, PHP, or Node. js for the development of web applications. In that case, instead of considering to write the code for the client side, they write code that will run on the server-side and hide all of the tasks like the data processing, authentication and processing the database interactions. Server-side Language Developers ensure that web applications operate properly and securely, working behind the scenes to walk through the logic and processes required for the frontend interface to operate.
2.Node.js developer
A Node. Js developer — developer working on Node. js a javascript runtime We develop the server-side packages and APIs with the Javascript that is executed on Node. non-blocking and event driven performanceInput/output, with js; Node. So, the framework our API is built on is Express. js, which is the unstoppable — and also fast-developing — Express on it js, used for creating stable, light-weight, server-side applications. It plays a huge role in server side rendering for real-time apps, microservice and web app personalities.
3. Python Developer
A Python developer is a professional who specializes in using the Python programming language. They develop a variety of applications including web applications, data analysis tools, machine learning models and automation scripts. Python developers work with frameworks like Django or Flask to efficiently build web applications. They focus on writing clean and readable code, making Python a versatile and popular choice for a variety of software development projects.
4.Ruby on Rails Developer
The other is that you are working on being a Ruby on Rails developer — just this phase it´s about wanting to learn how to put your knowledge to use focusing on web application development, and Ruby on Rails is the framework that you have chosen. Patches which scale well and have great perf that build on the shoulders of ((Rails' conventions and built-in features. Ruby on Rails developers are all about writing clean code and following Rails’ MVC architecture to make sure to keep concerns separated. Doing stuff like database manipulations, authentications, and managing functionalities for dynamic properties on the front-end side of the web application.
Version controlled
5. Java developer
It is the best fit for a Java developer to make a perfect for writing applications using Java. Designs desktop, web, and mobile applications; Develops and assesses software projects on a larger scale. When we come to the point of building high-end-enterprise application, Java developers generally work handy with Spring and Hibernate. Writing Java code that can run on virtually any computer is one of the reasons it has become one of the most widely used software languages.
6. PHP Developer
EXCEL at processing PHP: A PHP developer is a person who utilizes PHP, a broadly used server-side scripting language to exploit internet development. They make the sites and the web apps hands on and interactive by coding PHP in order to take care of the back-end side of things. PHP developers collaborate with a range of other developers and use databases, frameworks including Laravel or Symfony along with other technologies to develop websites and applications. The primary emphasis for them is to create PHP code that is both efficient, secure, and get great web
1.Express.js developer
An Express. Web developer and node. js. js using the Express. js framework. They are all based on Express. That is why you would use plain Node. js to put together an effective server-side solution. Express. Routingmiddleware integrationHTTP request response handling(MouseEvent driven) Express They are for building Web applications in Node because it works with databases,and other technologies and we can write more scalable,robust web applications using Express. js — the choice of many for building server-side solutions with JavaScript.
2. Django Developer
A Django developer is someone that has skill in the Django framework creating web apps with Python. They leverage the battery-powered patterns with Django and build secure, scalable and maintainable web-solutions. Some of the features that Django developer can implement are users authentication, database management, URL routing capabilities etc. Django works with templates and ORMs to create extensive web applications., which is why it is the common choice as a Python-based web developer.
3. Flask Developer
A Flask Framework Developer works in developing web applications using the Flask framework and in Python. Flask is their go-to web services toolkit and they use it to build very lean and nimble server-side solutions. Flask developers privileged to define routes and efficiently handle requests, render templates etc. Flask works with databases, authentication systems, etc and helps create scalable and robust web applications, so it is preferred in that regard for Python-based web applications development process.
4. Spring Boot Developer
A Spring Boot developer is a master in developing the Java-based web applications by using Spring Boot framework. By using Spring Boot's Convention-Over-Configuration that simplifies the development and deployment of applications. Developers on the Spring Boot side build RESTful APIs, connect to databases, and efficiently configure security effects. This is because, with the vast ecosystem of web solutions that are highly scalable and maintainable, Spring boot based web solutions are the most preferred in Java-based web development.
5.Laravel Developer
In simple terms, a Laravel developer is a person much more proficient in the usage of the famous PHP laravel framework for creating web applications. Once it is up, they leverage into the beauty that is Laravel and its structured syntax and features to make big things small. Laravel Laravel developers are trying to do that for all the regular tasks like routing, authentication, caching and sessions etc with some super cool and an attempt at making it an one click story for the PHP web development ecosystem.
Database management
1.SQL Developer
SQL Developer — This is a SQL developer, whose primary job is to manage or manipulate the databases using SQL (Structured Query Language). They create SQL queries to extract, update and delete data for database performance and database integrity. SQL developers ensure the effective management of data in database management systems like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or Microsoft SQL Server.
2.MySQL Developer
A MySQL developer is competent in the application of MySQL which is an open-source relational database management system. Creating and tuning databases, developing SQL, data integrity, data security. MySQL developers I — work across projects big and small, from small-scale applications to massive enterprise systems, using MySQL to scale and to retrieve data fast.
3.PostgreSQL Developer
A PostgreSQL developer is someone who works with PostgreSQL, which is an advanced open-source relational database management system. DB admins design, build and maintain databases, write SQL queries to manipulate and retrieve data. With PostgreSQL developers can build data integrity, security and scalability at an unprecedented level,It comes with many rich features using which they can develop applications across a wide array of applications and industry.
4. SQLite Developer
What is a SQLite Developer SQLite developers specialize in developing with SQLite, a lightweight, and self-contained relational database management system. These are databases for applications that need local DB storage: create_implement_db Developers use SQL queries to manage data efficiently, reliability and performance in embedded systems, mobile apps and desktop applications — so there is nothing else quite like SQLite.
5. NoSQL developer
NoSQL Developer — A Developer working with NoSQL Databases, where agile, schema less design and horizontal scalability is possible. They are frequently employing No-SQL Databases such as MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis for storing & processing Unstructured or semi-structured data. Data Modelling (Documents, Collections), Querying, Optimising database performance for various use cases by a NoSQL developer
6. MongoDB Developer
Role: MongoDB DeveloperWell, in short a Developer who specializes in using MongoDB to carry out all the work that a MongoDB Developer does. Instead, they are responsible with creating, keeping up and fine-tuning databases for any applications that could not be placed in a stiff schema and sharding pattern. Developer indicative queries: The MongoDB developer writes queries for the various use cases like web applications, analytics, real-time data processing.
7. Cassandra Developer
Cassandra Developer: This is an Apache Cassandra specialist — an NoSQL database management system that is highly scalable. Create scalable and highly available, fault-tolerant databases for use in application environments Therefore, Cassandra developers work with the distributed architecture, querying, and guaranteeing the robustness to data access patterns for many use cases from real-time analytics to IoT applications.
API development
1. RESTful API Developer
RESTful API Developer (Write RESTful API as defined by REST) Create web-services endpoints that are: scalable, responsive, reusable RESTful API is a set of web methods that developer use write in their code( mostly they use GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods on client side server side) for data exchange between client to server example: allowing other users( app is user) access to account or read information stored on server side.
2.GraphQL Developer
A GraphQL developer builds optimized APIs tailored to meet specific data request by leveraging the use of GraphQL, a query language created for APIs. This is a much higher level that normal developers work in: this is the point in a data platform where developers are defining schemas, writing queries, and can optimize the data fetching for client applications (eg, GraphQL frontend developers focusing on a flexible and performant API to serve various use cases like Web & Mobile Application programmatically).
Authentication and Security
1.OAuth Expert
OAuth experts A person who specializes implementing OAuth, an open standard for authorization, in software applications. They perfect the OAuth dance to provide OAuth for secure user authentication and authorization for their users to be able to access protected resources without revealing their passwords. Pros: OAuth specialists behind the safety and privacy of consumer information throughout many applications
2.JWT Expert
A JWT Pro is an expert in secure authentication and authorization in web-applications using JSON Web Tokens. JWT with express : It create a sign and verify JWT to exchange data between 2 parties securely. JWT authorities assure the security and privacy when exchanging data among web-based systems or the elements in APIs.
3. Security experts
A security specialist is an expert in protecting systems, networks and data from cyber security threats. They assess risk, implement security measures, and monitor systems for vulnerabilities and breaches. Security experts employ encryption, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches while ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
1. Back-end testing specialist
Back-end testing is where you test the performance and functionality of server-side components of your web application, it requires a very good specialist doing all this work. This involves writing and testing the code to validate data processing, API functionality and server logic, helping to ensure the high reliability and scalability of the back-end systems. The Role of Back-end Testing Professionals Can not believe the overall part given by back-end testing specialists in analysing the quality and credibility of web applications.
2. Unit Testing: Mocha Developer, JUnit Developer
Take unit testing with Mocha or JUnit, it is the practice of writing and running tests that do everything they can to reveal the extent to which each smallest programmable part of your unit of code is flawed or misbehaving. The output given by Mocha developer is Mocha based framework for JavaScript and JUnit developer is JUnit based framework for Java. However, both frameworks are used to allow users to write and organize tests, which contribute to the reliability and maintainability of the software.
3. Integration testing: Postman experts
A Integration Testing: Postman: Capable of performing integration testing using Postman (API testing tool). They create tests to check that the different elements of an application, like APIs, databases, and external services, work together as expected. Supercharge the Software Systems Integration & Functionality with Postman Experts